India and Beef

Holy Cow!
This is the raging debate in India - is Cow holy?

Cow is revered like a mother by most Hindus, but as India is a 'secular' country where the Majority is slowing getting asphyxiated, there has been a raging debate on whether a beef ban is necessary or not. If the Majority were as forceful as in many other countries (eg: Muslim countries) then there would have been no problem. Beef would have been banned like Pork is banned in UAE, Saudi, Kuwait and other Muslim countries and there would be no further discussion.

But this is India. Religions which are a majority around the world; call themselves a minority here!

The countries where the said Indian minorities are a majority, automatically becomes 'christian' or 'muslim' countries. But India must never be called a Hindu-rashtra! Secular it is.

Hindu (majority) sentiments - who gives a hoot!

Anyway, last week there was a FaceBook post on Beef and Hinduism (note: not cows, but beef). This was posted by a psuedo convert Hindu and shared by another person to whom I had given more credit to. The said second person's forefathers would surely have died than have a morsel of non-vegetarian food, given his family name.

Just 2 questions to my fellow Hindus:

1. Do you see any Muslim (convert or born) openly seeking Pork as well as a Hindu seeks Beef for showing their upward mobility?

2. Would anyone dare post their need / want for Pork in a Muslim majority country and dare 'hurt' the sentiments of the majority?

Anyway, the 19th century Bengal writer Bankim Chandra Chatterjee was scathing about fellow Indians who extended their enlightenment to culinary preferences.

“And what shall I say,” he wrote, “of that weakest of human beings, the half-educated anglicised and brutalised Bengali babu, who congratulates himself on his capacity to dine off a plate of beef as if this act of gluttony constituted in itself unimpeachable evidence of a perfectly cultivated intellect?”

I would just like to replace the 'Bengali Babu' to 'Indian babus and memsahibs'.


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