Ekadesi - what, why & how? / Fasting for the soul

"Shivaya Vishnu Roopaya,
Shiva roopaya Vishnave.
Shivashcha Hridayangam Vishnu,
Vishnushcha Hridayangam Shive."
Says the great Saint Adi Shankaracharya.

Meaning: Shiva is the form of Vishnu as Vishnu is the Form of Shiva. In Shiva's heart resides Vishnu and in Vishnu's heart resides Shiva.

Today, we are going to take a look at Ekadesi Vratam as tomorrow is a very important Ekadesi dedicated to Lord Guruvayurappan.

Ekadesi is the 11th day after the Full moon (Krishna Paksha) and New moon (Shukla Paksha).
Every month has 2 Ekadesis.

Tomorrow and the next 2 ekadesis are very special. These are the 3 are called respectively - Guruvayur, Triprayar and Swargavadhil.

What is Ekadesi and why should one sit Ekadesi Vratam?
Ekadesi Vratam is called Upavasam.
Up = Near & Vaasam = Reside. That means, residing close to God.
Upavasam colloquially means Fasting. A person sitting Ekadesi vratam does not engage his sense organs in anything materialistic, but is focused on Godly activities.

There is a misconception that Ekadesi Vratam is tough for working individuals. It need not be so. You are allowed to have some basic food initially, before you train your body to later completely abstain from food. Fasting lasts only for 24 hours.

Why fast on Ekadesi?
It is believed that a partial or total abstinence from food once every fortnight is a must for the human body. As usual, our Rishis put in a religious angle to this health exercise to attract and make permanent a great practise.

Japanese researcher Yoshinori Ohsumi won the Nobel Prize in medicine (2016) for his research on Autophagy.
Scientific research has proved what our forefathers had known. Autophagy is a physiological process that deals with destruction of cells in the body that disassembles unnecessary or dysfunctional components. During cellular stress the process of Autophagy is increased. Cellular stress is caused when there is deprivation of nutrients and/or growth factors.

How to sit Ekadesi Vratam?
Now that you know, why we must do the Ekadesi vratam, let us see a simplified version of how to go about it. Sri. Raghavendra Bhat of Hanuman temple of Ernakulathappan complex, told me the procedure.
It is prescribed to fast completely for 24 hours without jala-paanam but for people with health problems or on medicines or starting this religious exercise for the first time - a partial fast by taking fruits or milk or any light snacks (Satvik aahara / no onion, garlic, rice, honey or meat) is recommended.

Sabudana / Javvarisi /Tapioca balls are often recommended as a chief ingredient.
Try Sabudana Khichdi, Sabudana vada , wheat upma or some tubers like Potato cooked in a satwik way.

1. Dinner on the evening before Ekadesi; try to abstain from food containing Rice.
2. On Ekadesi day - oil bath, nail / hair cutting is to be avoided.
3. Try to visit a temple and think of God as often as you can through the day in between your worldly duties.
4. If you are sitting vratam for the first time, have some fruits and may be some milk (not tea/coffee) with frequent doses of warm water to clear out the acids in your stomach. You can slowly wean yourself from this basic food after 2-3 Ekadesi Vrats.
5. On Dwadesi day (that is, day after Ekadesi), as the sun is rising, have 'teertham' from a temple. If this is not possible, place a bowl of clean drinking water in your pooja room and say a prayer or do a pooja. Have this water to break your fast.

Guruvayur Ekadesi / Mokshada Ekadesi - November 30, 2017
Triprayar Ekadesi / Saphala Ekadesi - December 13, 2017
Swargavadhil Ekadesi / Putrada Ekadesi - December 29, 2017


Unknown said…
Good post Anu

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