Bologna (again)

16 June 2017

I had wanted to go to Modena from Parma. I was forced to visit Bologna (again) because of the Locomotive strike in Italy. 
In Kerala, my state in South India; strikes are celebrated as a grand unexpected holiday. Strikes in Italy are so different. The passenger trains do not run, but the frecca runs. Public Transport does not run during the peak times. So you must start early from home to office and leave very early or very late from work. And - I found this funny - none of the bus drivers will smile. They wanted to appear stern, I suppose.

There is something between Bologna and I; Bologna does not like me, I think. My first visit to Bologna 2 days before could be termed at best 'ok'.
But my daughter (Anaka) had spent 4 days in Bologna and even made a friend who invited Anaka to stay at her home in Rome. They continue to be good friends and her parents were so good to take in a stranger from another country. I had to meet this child - Naima. So that way, maybe my trip back to Bologna was not all that bad. 
When I contacted Naima, I got to know that she had an exam scheduled on the day of my visit and she could meet me only by 4 pm. My train to Verona was at 4.45 pm. So, I had to stay in town till 4 pm for sure.

And this day I researched on the places to visit properly. I zeroed in on a place away from town to visit first, as suggested by some Tripadvisor reviewers. Logic, walk away from town first to see this attraction and then take the bus back into town for seeing all attractions inside the main area.

This first stop was the 'Museum in memory of Uschita'. I read that this can be finished first as it was considerably near the station. Yeah, right. 1.9 kms. I walked and walked in the hot Bologna lost a bit and finally found the place. And guess what? I told you Bologna did not like me. The museum was closed! And would not open that day. Unscheduled holiday. Grrrr.

I decided to take a bus into town. But they need tickets. I had to find a tabacchi. And I found one near Piazza del Unita; but they had just single passes, no full day passes. So, I bought 2 single use bus tickets.

I went back into town (ie San pietro), thankfully in the bus and went in search of the Museo Civico Medievale or the Medieval Museum.
The museum was large and beautiful and provided relief from the hot sun. I got hold of the audio guide and that really helped me see the museum ; as they provided explanations at strategic points. Only trouble was that some places the symbol where we had to stop to hear the audio clip was missing and the museum staff could not help as they did not know English and I knew no Italian.

I saw this HUGE nude man there among other pieces.

This museum boasts of a large collection of Egyptian artefacts. I saw mummies of humans and crocodiles, small antiques like amulets and large statues.
Notice the marking on the left near the statue. That is the symbol for you to stop and listen to the audio guide.

By the time I finished, it was time for lunch. As much as I wanted to avoid eating at a chain restaurant, I ended up eating at "Eataly". I had a sandwich, which looked very huge. But I finished it.

Time to see the oldest functioning university of the world - Bologna university.

Nothing much to see here.
So, I walked into a store nearby which seems to be a favoured destination of the college students. So many interesting stuff.
Look at the giant Sharpener. It is for carrots!!!

These look like frocks, but are funnels.

Banana chopper.

Interesting mug. When it is tilted see a dog's tongue and nose underneath!

These squiggly worms are ear plugs. Yuck! Imagine them hanging from your ears!! :D

Squeezy brain and heart.

Cake spatula

Plants, vine holders for the garden in the shape of a giant grasshopper.

Since I had time to kill, I thought I would visit the church again. Completely wasting time, for sure. I should have just gone to see the "The Anatomical Theatre of the Archiginnasio".

I saw the meridian again and this time took care to see all the zodiac signs carved on it.

Saw the leaning towers from different angles....

And finally got to meet Naima!

I took the bus to the train station and I do not know how many levels I went down to reach my platform. My train back to Verona was truly subterranean.
But once I reached Verona, this time I took the bus into town and not a taxi. Proud!!
 Went back to B&B Ermanni and had a shower.

My husband's client had a friend who owned a famous restaurant - Sapore.  And my husband thinks that Sapore has the best pizza in Italy; but the main restaurant is in the suburbs. Sapore had opened a branch (small stand up place) in town just that day!
I went in search of it and found it on the street leading to the Dante's square.
The pizza, was without doubt....Excellent. The crust was crunchy and not chewy at all.

I went back to the B&B and repacked my bags as our flight out of Verona to London was very early.
My husband came in very late at night after his business trip and (yippee!!) we were back together!!

My husband and I had started this trip together at Venice, separated at Verona when he went on his business trip. After London, we would fly into Alicante, Spain to attend a marriage in Elche and then proceed to Barcelona for our own wedding anniversary celebration.


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