Bhasmam / Vibhooti - how, what and why?

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We have 3 three beautiful calves - Lakshmi, Nandini and Parvathy; in our Ernakulathappan temple. They do not yield milk yet as they are very young. But their dung is used to make Bhasma or Vibhuti or Holy Ash. This bhasmam is prepared by Sreedharan Moothathu and since January 2018, the same has been used for Bhagavan's abhishekam for every Pradosham.

Who uses Vibhuti / Bhasma?

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The 69th Kanchi Paramacharya, Sri. Chandrashekhara Saraswathy has argued that 'bhasma dharana' has vedic roots.
He says, "It is advised in the vedas that all should conduct the "yajna karmanushtanas" and should wear the resulting 'homa bhasma' (ashes obtained from the homa). It is said that initially, all hindus only had "basma dharanam" (smearing of the vibhuthi); including those who worshipped Vishnu as their favourite deity. Even now, when yagas are conducted, both vaishnavaites and madhwas have to wear the homa bhasma. Though there is a wrong impression that Shaivaites wear vibhuthi, in reality the practice of "vibhuthi dharanam" has got nothing to do with Shiva; but is based on vedas."

Where is Vibhuti obtained from and how to adorn it?

Yogis, who have higher powers obtain the sacred ash / vibhuti from cremation grounds and smear it all over their body. But 'grihastas' or householders use vibhuti obtained from cow dung and apply it to some parts of their body.

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Application of Vibhuti as per the Bhasmadharana Vidhi. 

If you smear it as per the vidhi, then it will purify your body, mind and the soul. As per the vidhi, after the bath bhasma should be applied as three parallel lines on 5 or 8 or 16 or 32 places on your body including forehead. Once in the morning and then in the evening. Men should smear wet bhasma in the morning , but dry bhasma in the evening. Women should smear only dry bhasma both in the morning and in the evening on their forehead and body.

Making Vibhuti the traditional way.

Usually Vibhuti is made from cow dung during the annual Maha Sivarathri festival only once a year at homes. The cow dung is made into round balls and left to dry in the sun. On the morning of Sivaratri, they are placed in layers of hay and paddy husk. This structure made of hay, husk and cow dung balls resembles a lingam. Pujas are performed and the Agni is lit. It takes about 7 -10 days for the fire to get extinguished.
At the end, the cow dung balls will be completely burnt and will become ash. This is then filtered to remove other particles and filled in containers.

Why should one use Vibhuti?

1. Vibhuti / Bhasma is supposed to be a great medium to transfer or transmit energy. Ashes are applied on the surface of the body so that the applied areas becomes the terminals for energy to enter through. Thus the body becomes receptive to energy.

2. "Applying holy ash is said to regulate all the 7 chakras in the body which is the basis for good health. On application rightly, the higher aspects of who you are becomes receptive to higher dimension of life. Meaning, the higher chakras become more alert than the lower ones. Human reaction (which is instinctive) reduces and response (which is a choice) increases." says Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev.

3. The holy ash has very good medicinal value. This could prevent/cure  diseases that are out of air (vAta),by bile (pittam), and of phlegm (kapham).

4. Also it is a reminder that we all will go back to ash form as we will all be cremated. From ashes to ashes.


Agnirithi Bhasma, Vayurithi Bhasma, Jalamithi Bhasma,
Sthalamithi Bhasma, Vyomithi Bhasma, Bhasmethi Bhasma,
Sarvam Hava edam Bhasma, Mana ethyethani Bhasma, Chakshumshi Bhasma

The fire is Bhasma, Wind is Bhasma, Water is Bhasma, This place is Bhasma, Heavens are Bhasma, even Bhasma is Bhasma, Everything is Bhasma, Mind is Bhasma and the eye that sees is Bhasma. All is Bhasma. This means we are all just a fistful of ash and we must live remembering this.


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