Reading new genre

If I walk into a book store or library… I would never ever choose these 3 books.
I am not adventurous like that…
I read genres which do not need me to think and reflect and wonder and interpret…”Reading should be light”, has been my policy all through my reading life.
Stories of victory, fights against odds…Detective fiction, Light fantasy…. Nothing gory…
Surely, never anything open-ended or mere exaggeration of small incidents…talks on a period in life…
But I read these 3 books over the course of as many months..
Because I got these treasures from a friend, who had no use for them…anymore…

Deep stories like the person who bought them to read. 
Intricate, intense and thought provoking.

I sort of understand you better, the first buyer & reader…

Happy birthday, wherever you are.
Om shanti.


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