Indian mother of two girls


October 5… 20 years ago… I became a mother … again… for the last time.

Oct 4, 2003 - Harish took me grocery shopping & we had dinner at Dwaraka - Tomato soup & masala dosa.

Anaka was born too early in our marriage to a couple who had not figured their life. 

So, when we decided to have a second child, I told Harish 
  1.  I will finish my graduation.
  2. We will move out of this joint family.
I wanted to enjoy my pregnancy and wished my baby be born in a loving happy family.

I ate all the food I liked and slept a lot.

And the baby could come into the world when it was the right time & not based on skewed astrology.

Plus Harish & I could name it as we pleased, without adding/removing letters from proper sane spelling!


Pain started by 3 am on October 5, 2003. 

The hospital was closed. No 
Out-Patient service available.
The doctor was at the church when I called to tell her my labour pain had started.

The baby was born before noon.

I got out of anaesthesia by 3 pm.
Harish and Anaka brought the small bundle to show me.
I first saw the pink feet.
So small, so beautiful.🥰

Another girl added to the Harish clan.

While some “relatives” hid their glee and consoled me for not begetting a boy; I love that my father-in-law was open and did not speak to me till the 11th day. 
So what if the Y chromosome should have come from Harish and I have only a pair of X chromosomes? 😂😂

I soon got over my “I had wanted a boy” phase. 
Who can not love the always hungry, nipple gnawing, peeing, pooping, hardly sleeping 3.5 kg monster?? 😂😂

I did beg Harish for another child. Any child. Male / Female.
But by then, Anaka was in school and the fees were so exorbitant that Harish’s fledgling business could not support another child’s education. 😅
Yup, school was the reason we did not add to the population. 🤣🤣

Now, all these years later Anaka continues to be the best elder sister anyone can get. Supportive, caring & setting a very high bar. 
Harish is the best father who treats both his girls as humans and gives them every opportunity.

And me?
I  am still learning to be a mother!

But I know that both my daughters are the best blessing God could have given me. 🥹 

Ananya is full of life, energy…she can light up any room she enters. (Like me!!😜)

Unlike me, she is a thorough diplomat, who knows what to say and how to handle people. 

BTW, she became my father-in-law’s favourite grandchild.

At this point, she is tackling a  powerful beast (LSE!😂) with poise & great cooking. 😃
Super proud of her. 

Here’s wishing her a very happy birthday.


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