Koti Gita Yagna

Udupi SriKrishna temple established by Sri.Madwacharya, the great dwaitha philosopher, 800 years ago, has the mathathipathis of the 8 mutts established by him , as the melshanti of the temple (for a period of 2 years). This is repeated  in a cyclic manner.This year Udupi Puthige mutt chief takes over as the new melshanti of Udupi SriKrishna temple starting from January 2024 to 2026.At this moment, they are on a trip across south India to seek blessings from deities of various temples before they begin their secluded pious life serving Udupi Lord Krishna.

I was fortunate to attend the ‘sweekarana’ or welcome of the second-in-command of the mutt to Hanuman Temple yesterday and attend his lecture.

The mutt has started a yagna - Koti Gita Lekhana Yagna.
Through this they wish that “koti” or a crore of people write Bhagavat Gita. 

He talked extensively about Gita and its teachings. The whole Mahabharata is condensed in Vishnu Sahasranamam & Bhagavat Gita. But the former was recited by Bheeshmacharya to the Pandavas, while Gita was question and answers between God and His greatest discipline. Also this Gita was heard not just by Arjuna, but noted down by the great Rishi Vyasa. And Bhagavat Gita will answer all questions of any mortal human.
Writing just 2 shlokas will mean completion in less than a year.

But why hand written?
Writing, not reading or listening, involves complete concentration and is a form of meditation involving manas, vacha & karma or mind, words & action. And this handwritten Gita, on completion is given a seal by the Udupi mutt and returned to the writer to be kept in their pooja room. This means, the book has an emotional value attached to it for the future generations.

How to start writing?
Each individual who decides to write must undertake a vrat that he will give up one bad habit (be it his anger or not using his mobile until pooja gets done) and take up a good habit. 

The book printed by the mutt costs ₹260 and can be filled with Gita in any language. But these books travel with Swamiji.
Since this is hard to lay hands on write in any book of your choice.
Happy Gita writing!


So beautifully explained

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