Entitled fliers

The airport security check had a long serpentine queue. Everyone had to place their electronic equipment on the tray and hand luggage on the security belt.

All were waiting patiently when one person decided he was too important to stand with us and moved to the faster moving next lane.

That queue stalled.

A young woman placed her tray ahead of mine and I said to her, the queue is behind me. “But I was here” was her murmured reply. 

I was not happy, but her demeanour was fine.

Then the man who had left had the audacity to come back and stand ahead of me.

I repeated to him that the queue is behind me.

He goes, ”I was standing here,” with a very snotty air.

And he adds, “You have a problem?”

I said, “Yes, I have a problem. If everyone decides they were standing ahead of me like this young woman and you…”

He turned back and acted as though he was not ready to hear me out. I did not like his rhetorics & attitude. 

I said loudly, “And there is something called etiquette.”

He started swearing at the morning rush, rains, lack of counters & occasionally turned around to look at me. I was shooting cold arrows at his head.

I spoke to the young girl, “It must be frustrating to always stand in a line which never moves, isn’t it? Look the other queue where he was standing before..it is moving so fast!”

The young girl suddenly said, “I will move.”

I pacified her saying, “No, no. Don’t bother, if white haired men can behave like this, why not you, so young, so impressionable?”

Suddenly he decided he had found a brilliant solution and with a huff & a puff moved behind me. No, not to the back of the queue but just behind me!

He took his tray and placed it on the table and gave one shove to fit his bag in. Thankfully, only the empty trays fell on the floor & not any of my stuff. 

Murder would have happened if anything belonging to me had fallen down.

While waiting to be physically checked he tried hard to hold eye contact with me. 🤨 But there too he was made to wait longer! 🤣

Cherry on the cake?

His bag being pulled for extra checks by the personals!

Entitled Moron. 

Fly on your personal jet or have basic manners. 

#flyingwoes #entitledhuman


AshLi said…
It takes all kinds to make this world- and common sense sadly, is increasingly becoming uncommon. Kudos Anu- on sticking to your line and getting ‘certain’ others unstuck!

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