Remembering Egypt



We celebrated our 10th anniversary in Egypt! Long ago in 2006.

If you want to read an (outdated) travelogue on Egypt, visit my blog -

BTW, the camel’s name is Michael Jackson!! And that is (chubby) Harish who was called ‘kind’ by many Egyptian woman as he had only me as his wife. 

I was offered multitude of ‘tasty treats’ for free by the handsome Egyptian chefs. Sadly, I don’t eat meat. 

Koshery is still my favourite though & I have the recipe on my cooking blog!

Another fun fact. While we were there Saddam.H. of Iraq was hanged. It had no consequence there, but in Kerala, a hartal was declared and mass protests were held!!

#travel #egypt #sphinx #pyramids #greatpyramidsofgiza #blastfromthepast #oldphotos #youngerus❤️ #10thweddinganniversary #memories #happymoments 


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